Ruggero Mameli: rethinking the inner Sardinia

on Apr 14, 2014 | 0 comments

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Elegance, lightness, and authenticity. Subtle blends between the old and the contemporary, between the rugged and the polished, between cultural refinement and the touches of simplicity, between light and material, between the East and the West…

We cannot use the strict definition of the term “restoration” when describing the transformation of this house: it is now a setting where the past is stylishly evoked, and the whole gives the impression of a timely and gradual balance between the ancient and the modern. The furnishings give a sense of harmony and natural character. You are immediately touched and can only appreciate the true values of this house – its beauty and cultural subtleties.

This house is located in the historic center of Irgoli (NU), a small village full of colorful murals in the wonderful Sardinia. Its restoration tells the love of a person for his origins, someone who had to to leave his land and felt the need to rediscover his roots. This is what matters most to Ruggero Mameli, an exquisite man who has lived abroad and learned to converse and engage deeply with other cultures. “I have worked in Finance for many years and I worked for several investment banks in Milan, London, New York, Copenhagen, Moscow and now in Abu Dhabi.”

Read the following posts in the “Sardinian Style” – Sardinian Home Style …..

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