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North Sardinia


Sardinian home style

Sardinian life style

South Sardinia

Typical house style


Stazzo Gallurese

on Nov 20, 2013 | 0 comments

ResRei real estate provides some remarkable opportunities for someone in search of a new home in Sardinia, away from the hustle and bustle. Preserve the Sardinian culture by investing in a traditional cottage, and transform it into your ancient luxury home.

In the calm rural region of Gallura, the sheepfolds or cottages represent the history of farmers and symbolize the countryside. Each cottage, or stazzo gallura, has its own story to tell. Once inhabited by shepherds, the stazzo has been both profitable and fundamental in the farming industry of Sardinia.

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CLASSED IN: Typical house style

Sardinian ceramics

on Oct 22, 2013 | 0 comments

Speaking of pottery means speaking of the ancient history of the land of Sardinia. Doubling as craftsmen and artists, Sardinian potters have always existed, from the pre-nuragic era to this day.

Throughout history, the activity of pottery is intense: from the crude mixtures of clay dating back six or seven thousand years before Christ, to the unique and exceptional items used as interior decoration.

Sardinian ceramic reveals the story of a people who began producing pottery with "simplicity" in order to meet basic needs, and was able to refine this style and be distinguished, with elegance and taste, to the point of being recognized and attracting widespread attention
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CLASSED IN: Sardinian life style

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